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OFF-GRID Systems

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Electricity Retailer Con's !


  Solar Tracking Systems

  Dual Axis Solar Racking (Best)

  Single Axis Solar Racking (Good)

  Fixed Solar Panel Racking (Cave-man)

  Residential Solar

  Commercial Solar

  Solar Panel Types



  Super Capacitor (SC)

  Nickel Iron (NiFe)

  Lithium Iron (LiFePO4)

  Portable LiFePO4 SOLAR Generator

  RedFlow - Z-Cell (Australian)

  Hydrogen (The Future Energy Storage)

  Energy Charge/Discharge Calculators

  Power (kW) & Energy (kWh) Explained


  YIY Hybrid Inverters (AGS Function)

  LUX Hybrid Inverters (AGS Function)

  BlueSun Hybrid Inverters

  GoodWe Hybrid Inverters

  Huawei Hybrid Inverters

  Growatt Hybrid Inverters

  Fronius Hybrid Inverters

  Alphaess Commercial Inverters

  ATESS Commercial Inverters






Calculate Generator Running Cost

Use Waste Vegetable Oil as Fuel

Greenhouse Gas Calculator

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How True Independent Private Power Stations Operate.

Daytime: Generate, Consume, Store &/or Sell Energy.

Sunset: Consume, Sell or Load-shift Energy Storage.

We say; "Plan Nothing & Succeed at Nothing", it's your future !

PLEASE NOTE: We don't sell inferior Cave-man Fixed Rooftop Solar, we sell State of Art Dual Axis-solar Radiation Trackers (DART), that can Generate up to 60% more Energy per year than any Fixed Tilted Racking.


Purchase a Pallet of 36 x 600W Bi-Facial, Monocrystalline Solar Panels.

ORDER 36 x 600W Bi-Facial Solar Panels (21.60kW = $150 each)

Costs includes FREE Collection from Your nearest Capital City Depot, or +Delivery to your address at Cost.



Becoming POWER & ENERGY INDEPENDENT is very simple using this All-in-One unit !

This Unique Transportable Micro Power Grid, start paying for itself the moment it is installed !

ORDER this 6kW Single Phase SOLAR Generator, this units Energy Storage can be increased up to 172kWh.

See the Technical Data of this Solar Generator, it will Power any single phase premises !

Solar Generator includes: 1) 6kW Battery Inverter. 2) 1 x 5.37kWh, 51.2V LiFePO4 Battery. 3) Solar Panels are Optional.

This Special Generator uses any Solar panels, Wind Turbine or Fuel Generator to Charge the Battery or even the State Grid as back-up Power.

Investing in a Behind-The-Meter Micro Grid using a DART Unit, will generate maximum FREE Daily Energy for the next **20+ years !



Already have a Solar System & looking to Install a Hi-Quality Battery ?

SEE OFFER: 10.24kWh LiFePO4 Battery & 5kW Inverter $5'200.00

Costs includes FREE Collection from the nearest Capital City Depot, or +Delivery to your address at Cost.

Rural customers are surprised at how affordable a Stand-alone "Behind the Meter" DART Solar Power Station is, especially when the Power Distributors are charging over $10'000 for each Telegraph Power pole to bring the State Grid Power too your Premises, and then you still have to pay for all the Power you Consume !

Then their is the "$30 monthly Rip-off Retailer Connection Fee/Charge" that we strongly feel Solar Prosumers SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY !

That $30 monthly connection fee required customers to gift 12kWh of Free Energy each DAY (=375kWh Month) just to cover the monthly Connection Fee, if getting 8 cents kWh Feed-In-Tariff (FIT), 3 phase Power Connection Fee is $60 Month = 25kWh Day (=750kWh month) of Gifted Energy just to cover the rip-off Connection Fee, the rip-off retailers in turn make triple the Profit by on-selling Your energy at full Retail price !

It's no-wonder people are going Off-Grid in the Droves !

SEE our other Package Deal Offers or Ask for a Free Online System Evaluation.

We are Not a Large for profit business, we simply offer Dual Axis-solar Radiation Trackers (DART's) and Energy Storage!

Just have a Think: Customers that invest in purchasing the kWh Energy Storage that match there Overnight or better still Daily Energy Consumption, won't need to buy Energy from the State Grid after Solar Sunset & even in extended Bad weather. None of our customers use as much Fuel to operate a Generator when needed as what the charge is for the Monthly Connection Fees !

We are now able to manufacture bespoke Mobile Trailer mounted DART Solar Power Stations !

We can Manufacture a Mobile Power Station with a bespoke Trailer slide-out Solar Panels, Inverter, and from 5kWh~40+kWh of Energy Storage, and there is ample space to fit a Silenced Auto Start Generator for when additional Power is needed.  We can even retro-fit a DART Solar Power Station into Your own Trailer.

Each Power Station is design around the customers Energy Consumption, and is ideal for people Renting a Home, Factory or used for powering Events, all that is required is you simply park the Trailer in the Sun & run a heavy Duty 15A Single Phase, Caravan type Power Lead from the Inverter, and if your require 3 phase Power, we simply install Three Phase Inverter.

Over 95% of our Systems are installed Rurally "Behind The Meter" using a Battery Inverter with an Auto Generator Start (AGS) function, we recommend this Single phase Silenced 4.5kW Generator or if you want a generator for more Commercial applications this Silenced 10kW Water Cooled Diesel Generator comes in Single or Three Phase Power.  These Generators operate Automatically without any intervention, other than supplying Fuel to Generator during extended bad Weather.

New Rural Property Owners have the choice to Pay $10'000 per Power Pole to run State Grid Power too there premises, but then you still having to pay for all energy you Consumed, and don't forget the $30 monthly fee to remain State Grid connected, or Go OFF-Grid & Never have to Pay for Power again !

If State Grid connected, the $30 monthly Connection Fee can be Off-set, Only if your system Generates at Least 375kWh of Additional Energy per month if getting a Feed-in-Tarrif of 8cents kWh.

We strongly believe No Solar Owner/Prosumers should have to Pay $30 month Connection Fee !

  1. Our Taxes pay the Government Utility to maintain the Poles & Wires, so the Connection Charges should be included in the Electricity Rate !
    The Bureaucrats in the Energy sector appear to literally have No vision, other than securing there Segregated Superannuation Funds & Retiring after servicing just 4 years, to secure an ongoing lifetime Income for simply serving as a public servant.   There is No other Public Service in the world that offers that fraudulent entrenched entitlement !
  2. People should ONLY be Paying for the Energy they Consume, like in New Zealand they pay the same Export & Import Rate !
  3. Solar & Wind Prosumers are Cleaner & Greener than any Coal Fired Generation, so should NOT have to Pay $30 Month Connection Fee !
    If you are Charged $30 month Grid Connection Fee, you have to Gift 12.5kWh of there Energy per Day to just cover the "Fee to remain Connected",
    That is one of the Big Retailer Cons allowed by the Self Governed Energy Regulators !   e.g. $30 month ÷ 8 cents kWh FIT = 375kWh Energy per Month =12.5kWh of Energy per Day.

The Energy Retailer Con: The Retailers sell your 375kWh Energy at say 28c kWh =$105.00 Month +$30 Connection Fee you get charged, Making the Retailers $135 per Month from your 375kWh Energy +any further excess Energy you Export !

Solution: If you have Energy Storage, Purchase a small 4.5kW Silenced Generator for your system, as that Replaces the need to remain State Grid connected, it really that simple !

We DON'T offer inefficient "Cave-man" Fixed Rooftop Solar Racking, we leave that for the common Solar Retailers, who will chase you for your STC's, by selling you a large over sized Solar Array, and most don't even mention "you should purchase a Battery ready Inverter".

The rest of this site is here to educate one person at a time, of the intelligent ways to become Truly Energy Independent in 2~6 years, using various Energy Generation & Storage Technologies.  If looking to purchase a Wind Turbine, we manufacture a bespoke DART-8-VAWT unit that a Wind Turbine sits atop the DART Racking.

We recommend Installing Dual Axis Solar Radiation Trackers (DART) if you have an area with minimal shading the better, due to the superior Energy Generation of DART units by pointing directly at the Sun or the Brightest area of the Sky in overcast weather, from Daybreak to Sunset, that's what makes our DART's State of Art, they Generates Superior Peak Energy for the longest period each day than ANY other Solar Racking, GPS Tracking is inferior at Generating energy as it points to the Sun when hidden behind Cloud cover !

A DART Array with at lease the kWh Energy Storage matched to your Overnight Energy Consumption, instantly provides Energy Independence, where in extended Bad Weather or heavier Consumption, a small, 4.5kW auto-start Silenced Generator can be Programmed via a Hybrid Inverter to take over & Supply Power to the premises, all whilst Charging the Batteries with the Excess Energy whilst the Generator is operating, thus being Very Economical.

All the Facts, Costs & Guidelines are here to show you how !

So, SLOW DOWN, Start Reading, take time by reading this page first, we look forward to hearing from you, after you decide on the System you need.  This should be based on Consumption, or Income if you are looking to build a 100Kw Micro Power Grid that can produce *$5'000+ Monthly Income!

Micro Power Grids that Generate, Consume, Storage & Sell there own energy, are truly energy Independent!

For Larger Micro Grids (Generators), recently Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading is becoming a game changer in Energy Supply & Demand sector, where you can now purchase your Energy directly from the Generators, thus Cutting out the deceptive named energy Retailers!

Storing Energy & Selling any excess energy or what would normally be Unused energy at a better Rate, is the Secret-Key to energy independence, whilst earning additional Income.

With the disgusting expensive Australian Retail Energy rates, it is Not surprising that in 2019 Australia became the world leader in the uptake of Solar!

We consider that stemmed from the unconscionable price increases forced upon energy Consumers after the State Electricity Commission announced it planned to retire the Hazelwood power station by 2005, BUT instead the year it was to be closed, the Victorian government privatised it and extended its life until 2030, under the condition that the plant became more efficient.

However, in the following years while Coal prices were dropping, energy rates kept on rising, were Australia now has the dearest energy rates in the developed world!

See what Energy companies are actually Australian Owned.

Since the announcement of Hazelwood Power station closure, the "ACCC" & the self governed "Energy Regulator" were caught sitting on there hands, underpinned by weak regulatory control by State Electricity Commission, allowing AGL, Origin & Australian Energy to gain market domination and increase the Energy rate to where they are today!

However, don't despair, as Solar energy provides the quickest, cheapest & most reliable way to replace your total energy consumption, the final step to Total energy independence is storing your excess (un-used) daytime energy in Batteries, that in turn will carry you through from Sunset to Sunrise each day!

If you want to make an even bigger mark on Climate change, then invest in a Bio-Gas Digester, the Commercial Digesters are becoming a serous player in energy market, where the Residential Bio-Digesters produce Free Bio-Gas from Sewerage & any organic material, BioGas can be used to operate a Generator to power a premises, commonly small domestic bio-gas digester’s are mainly used for Cooking, Area Heating & Lighting, where larger Commercial digester’s are used to Generate Power.

So, What does it take to become Energy Independent ?

  1. You need to Generate more Energy from Solar, Wind, Aqua or Gen-set, than your Daily Consumption !
  2. Invest in enough Energy Storage for at Least the kWh of energy you Consume between Sunset to Sunrise!

It's That simple !

If you have an existing Solar system, by adding enough Energy storage and a generator, you will Blackout proof your premises.

Now go get your Power Bill and enter your charges into one of these Investment Calculators, they will show you the an approximate time & cost to become energy independent, and from that point onwards, it will be all savings !

Please Note: We do NOT supply Roof-top solar Racking, we are one of the very few offering Dual Axis-solar Radiation Tracking units (DART), Radiation Tracking is superior at Generating energy than any other solar Racking type, a small DART-4 tracker (4 panel unit) can Generate over 20kWh/p Energy per-day when fitted with 4x 500W (2kW) solar panels!

Remember: A Micro Grid without energy storage, leaves people enslaved to paying the full retail rate, of some 300% more than the feed-in-rebate when importing Power back from the state utility grid overnight & during daylight hours, in all cases having enough stored energy to get you from Sunset to Sunrise, provides Total Energy Independent!

To become Free of the over inflated energy rates the deceptively named Electricity Retailer's charge, read "Making Power Independence Easier to Understand".

If you already have a Solar array this special calculator will show you the break-even investment time to pay off Batteries in power savings, commonly under Three years, all done by self consuming the Energy you Generate (off-grid people know this), and don't get stitched up by the deceptive electricity retailer rates.

From an investment point, it's that simple !

Food for Thought:

Have you ever made money on a $15'000~$25'000 Vehicle purchase ?  Usually Not !

Well in 95% of cases an investment/loan put towards the purchase of a Stand alone "Behind the Meter" Solar & Batteries "Micro Power Grid", the ROI will be 3~5 Years, self-funded on power savings, with an Off-Grid System you save Not having to Pay the $30 month ($360year) to have State Grid Wires running too your premises.

A modern Silenced Generator with a Starter motor provides Power Security, Off-Griders commonly say they only use One or Two Jerry Cans of Fuel a Year ...then there is also Residential Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) from 500W~3kW, VAWT are Superior in longevity than any Horizontal Wind Turbine.

After the break-even point, FREE Power savings will continue for decades, ...where will your vehicle be in 5 years ! ......most-likely Electric !

To see how long it will take to repay your investment;

-------- // --------

The rest of the information on this site explains how to become unchained from the deceptive electricity Retailers & become truly power independent.

REMEMBER: Solar +Batteries +Hybrid Inverter = Power FREEDOM !

(*) Approximate Costs, will vary depending on Location, Dual Axis Tracker Design, Battery size and final equipment purchased, based on Exchange Rate of $0.66.

(**) Approximate, based on Solar panels lasting 30+years, excluding Energy storage technology life and Catastrophic equipment failures from Storm etc.

(#) Approximate, will vary depending of location and at cost Freight charges.

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 News, Details & Links.

The Electricity Retailers dirty secrets they don't want people to know: How to make the Electricity Retailers Redundant!

Calculate the Cost to Self-fund your own Private Power Grid.

AMAYSIM Mobile Phone Plans offer Unlimited Mobile and National Calls from $10 month, with No locked in contracts and Free number transfer!

SA Power Outage in 2016

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